Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Charleston Trip

Here are a few pictures from our trip to Charleston to visit Mary Catherine. We had a fun "girls" weekend! We did what girls do best - shop and eat!! Both the shopping and restaurants are phenomenal in Charleston. I love that city. I'll be sad when Mary Catherine moves. 

Here are a few highlights from the trip . . .

my "mocktail" strawberry mojito. It just about killed me not to get a real one!
a picture outside the rooftop bar - it was about to rain which is why our hair is all blowing in different directions
mom, alexis and MC

the sisters (minus Elise) - we wish she would have been there!

outside "SNOB" where we ate one night. It had amazing "Charleston" food

we sucked Stephen in for a picture. He was brave!

We ate lunch at Poe's Tavern on Sullivan's Island. It is a huge hotspot and lots of fun!

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