Friday, October 1, 2010

Busy! Busy! plus an update from last week

Since I am way behind on my blog these days I am just going to update last week with one post. I can't seem to stay on top of it as well as I did this summer. Probably because I am working on a thousand things these days . . . Elise's baby shower, Kathryn and John's Bar and Tool Shower, our big Halloween party, and the fish fry at Sanders' office not to mention the Fall Carnival committee, Junior League and Disney On Ice. I am tired just thinking about it all. It is all so much fun to work on but I'll be glad when I don't have so much on my plate!!

So an update from last week . . . the weather was gorgeous last week so we took the opportunity to have some friends over to play. Tuesday Sadie came over to play with Mae, Wednesday, Grant came over to play with Sanders and Thursday Hannah came over to play. It was a busy week but the kids loved having their friends over.

Here are a few pictures I took . . .


Best Friends!

I love this pic

and this one too

eating popcorn outside

cool Mae!

Precious Sadie

Sanders riding his skooch

Pleasing mommy by posing for some pictures in the grass

Mae wearing her tu-tu while she drives the Barbie Jeep

silly girl!

Daddy's home. Yay!


playing outside . . .

a few cute shots of Mae . . .

dressing up before bedtime!

wrestling with daddy

he is getting ganged up on!

poor Copper. I think he is hiding from all of the chaos!


Sanders and Hannah. Mae was not too happy about sharing her dress with Hannah but she got over it. We may need to expand our dress-up wardrobe so we have clothes to share with friends!

this was a first. We went to dinner on Thursday night to celebrate Alexis' birthday and MC going back to Charleston and got back home and somehow both kids woke up. We were too tired to put up a fight so we let them both sleep on our floor that night. Surprisingly they did great and didn't wake up all night long. We definitely don't want to make a habit out of this but it was cute seeing them sleep next to each other.


On Friday, it was our turn to bring a "fun food" to Sanders' class. So to continue the theme of "N" that they were studying this week we brought "number" sugar cookies. Of course I didn't have time to make them but Cheesecakes And More does a much better job than I ever would. Sanders loved taking them to his class! I think they were a hit.

I picked the kids up early from school today and took them to Counter Culture to eat. Mae had already eaten lunch so I got her a humphry yogart and Sanders got a grilled cheese. It was a fun little outing to end the week!

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